Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ai Chi

Ai Chai        

"Ai Chi is the sigh we give when we're at peace," says Jun Konno, founder of Ai Chi.
Konno started the group in the mid 80's because he saw a need for the relaxing benefits of water message without the intimacy of touching. These movements are not based off of Tai Chi exclusively, but do reflect many of the graceful movements that are typical of eastern physical disciplines.
Ai Chi came from the Japanese word aisuru meaning "to love". Best used in warm, swallow, chest-deep water.
The program involves deep breathing with slow broad movements. There are a total of 16 postures. There are 3 major elements of the program 1. The significance of breathing and the autonomic nervous system 2. The mind-body relationship and 3. Eastern concept that "How it turns out is the way it's meant to be.
The benefits of Ai Chi are improved physical health, stress and anger reduction, and better sleep also improved circulation and oxygen consumption.
Appropriate for all age groups and levels, people of older age and with chronic conditions see the importance of practicing everyday. It is beneficial for healthy adults also. The people who seem to benefit most are those with some physical condition.
Body awareness and body control seem to improve in all who practicing Ai Chi. I found this to be really fascinating! 
Water is a very important tool for health professions, and this is just another type of therapy that could be beneficial for clients. I would suggest Tai Chi to all!
YouTube Video:

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