Activity 1:
Innovative Painting was a great experience. It was a way to express ourselves on paper without being judged or criticized. We could put anything on paper (words, subjects, nature, etc...). This activity would be great working with fine motor skills with all populations. Individuals wouldn't be judged on their artwork because it is all about putting thoughts and expression on paper with different colored paint.
Activity 2:
Musical Expression Art was an activity that I hadn't played since early elementary school. It really brought back memories of my childhood. This activity takes creativity, along with fine and gross motor skills. This would be a great activity to perform with all populations because it allows a way to express thoughts and perform therapy. This activity brought many smiles and laughter to our classroom as we performed our musical,
Poodle Cat.
Poodle Cat lyrics:
There once was a cat named poodle
She really loved to doodle
On Friday she met her lover Ralph
She gave him a big smelf
They ate lots of smelt
Eating smelt, it made them pelt
And crawl about the world and grelf
All because I have a cat named poodle.
Activity 3:
Collaborative/Group Art was an activity that allowed the participants to show emotion based on the rhythm and words in songs. When your eyes are closed and drawing on paper with markers, it gives a great understanding of what your emotions express. Having your eyes closed is great because it gives you the strength to stay away from judging yourself based on how well you were drawing.
Activity 4:
Chair Yoga was such an experience. It is a great way to relax and take some time out of your busy day for yourself and not worry about anything. Chair yoga isn't an activity where you have to go to the store to buy supplies for before doing the activity. The only equipment you need is a chair. All populations could do this activity because it is a matter of moving your body, whether it's moving your eyelids, spine, upper and lower limbs, or mouth. Since performing chair yoga in class, I have done this activity daily, and it has really helped relax me.
Activity 5:
Egg Drop was probably the most fun activity. This activity was performed with a group of others and needed imagination and creativity from each person in the group in order for it to work. Our group was very creative. We used a piece of newspaper to make a "sailor's hat" and a plastic bag to make a parachute. We then attached the "sailor's hat" and plastic bag with straws and sat the egg inside the "sailor's hat". The goal of this activity was to drop the "egg safety concoction" from the second floor over a balcony and see if the egg would break. Team Vending Machine's concoction won :) We dropped it from the 4th floor, and it still didn't break. We rocked this project.
Overall, I thought this class period was #1. It had a lot of positive activities that could be performed for all populations. There were great ideas in this class period that can be used in the future as a CTRS working with clients.